Mad Child, Back on Top

October 19, 2015

“I find that my music and my work is my therapy so the only challenges for me is when I go home and have too much downtime,” Bunting says. “That’s when my addictive personality can affect me in the wrong way. When I’m working, it’s good.”

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Top Tunes Thursday: The Garden — haha

October 15, 2015

This week, I stumbled across Orange, California duo, The Garden. Founded by twin brothers Fletcher and Wyatt Shears, The first couple of vexing seconds told me I had found a winner. I wouldn’t describe the clattered natterings of The Garden weird (though you wouldn’t be wrong to do so), so much as unexpected. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing or listening to at the time, The Garden is a non sequitur.

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Top Tunes Thursday: Denzel Curry — 32 Zel / Planet Shrooms

October 8, 2015

Two weeks ago, while I was researching the newest Little Simz record (review here) I came across a list of “rappers to watch for.” Little Simz was featured for her E.D.G.E EP and AGE 101 series, while a young Miami Rapper, Denzel Curry was featured for his debut album, Nostalgic 64. After inhaling the hallucinogenic trap flavorings of his debut, I was happy to find his new effort (which had not been released at the time of the record) had been out since June! Normally, on TTT I like to bring you my favorite release from the week, but this week, we’re taking some time for an excellent record that I missed. This article is an effort to make sure you don’t make the same mistake. The record, or “double-EP,” is 32 Zel / Planet Shrooms.

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Album Review: III— iZACILLi

Encajando en la escena de “Rock En Tu Idioma”, Izcalli significa renacimiento, y es la tierra natal de los hermanos Avina. No se designan exclusivamente a ese género, pero tampoco se distancian de él porque sus similitudes a grupos como Los Jaguares o Julieta Venegas, por quienes han abierto conciertos, los han ayudado cautivar esa audiencia. Representan el nombre de su grupo como testimonio del renacimiento en su música, actitudes y cultura.

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