Greeley Blues Kicks Off 9th Year

June 5, 2013

On June 7th at Island Grove, the Greeley Blues Jam will be showcasing legendary British blues musician John Mayall who will be headlining the event. The ninth year of the festival, the Blues Jam has become an event that draws people in across the nation and provides an outlet for appreciation of the blues here in Colorado. It’s in no small part thanks to Greeley residents Pam Bricker and her husband, Al.

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Film Review: Star Trek Into Darkness

June 4, 2013

It’s difficult being a film buff in this era. On one hand, if you’ve always wished Hollywood would adapt your favorite comic book tales into well-made films that did more than sell toys to kids, it’s a great time to be a lover of film and all things geek. On the other hand, the monetary success that geek-friendly properties have achieved over the past decade, alongside the other successful blockbusters of The Aughts, has lead to Hollywood developing a fixation on only stories with built-in audiences, i.e. existing franchises instead of new, unproven films. If you wanted something truly unique or at least emotionally satisfying, your options are limited.

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Review: “Hitchcock”

March 21, 2013

Director Sacha Gervasi set about honoring the man himself with his biopic Hitchcock, an entertaining romp through one of Hitchcock’s biggest challenges in his career: Getting his adaption of the book Psycho to the screen.

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Review: “Screams from the Inside of an Cardboard Box”

March 13, 2013

Screams from the Inside of an Cardboard Box was drawn by Luke Belsito over the course of two years. He possesses a rough but attractive drawing style that works well with the undeniably odd and at times fucked-up stories within the book. Screams is dark, but it also possesses a wicked sense of humor that will make you grin on occasion, even if you really shouldn’t.

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Review: “Django Unchained”

February 14, 2013

Oscar season is upon us, and this year there is slightly more controversy than usual surrounding the film industry’s celebration of the Best of the Year. One such film being Quentin Tarantino’s homage to the western genre, Django Unchained.

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