Album Review: Autumn Burn– Reach up to the Stars


A good song should always make being human totally sweet and terrible all at the same time. A good song like a dream takes me on an adventure to a robot alien saloon in space and I’m reaching for my six-shooter laser blaster because there’s a robot who’s had too many oil cans and he’s about to start a brawl. Then suddenly my alarm clock is going off and it’s time to leave for work. A good song makes me forget I exist then it’s over and I want more.

Autumn Burn put out a record titled Reach up to the Stars and I’m glad I had the chance to review it. First of all, it’s always good to know there are local bands out there putting out quality recordings. The full-length thing is always a plus in my book too. Way to go for actually putting together a substantial amount of material and taking the time to track it out.

Reach up to the Stars has a smooth balance between classic rock and contemporary metal. The clean vocals are performed well, and the track “I Don’t Know” has been stuck in my head all day. The track “Unbroken” has a sweet guitar tone that reminds me of something you’d find on a Nirvana or Stone Temple Pilots record.

I definitely want to ride stallions when I listen to Autumn Burn. My only gripe with the record is that the drums sound fake. I can tell that they were programmed to a grid, and it definitely makes it difficult to be dynamic.

This record is awesome and be on the lookout for these dudes cause they’re making good tunes. See you at the next show!