February 23, 2015

This month, The BandWagon sat down with Aly Spralto, more commonly known as Lady Lamb The Beekeeper. In our conversation, we talk about her creative process, touring, and the writing and recording of her new album After. Check out the March issue of BandWagon Magazine to see our review.

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Lady Lamb the Beekeeper Talks About Life on the Road and Recording Her First LP

June 20, 2013

Aly Spaltro, 23, or better known to her fans as Lady Lamb the Beekeeper, began making music in secret. She produced several basic recordings in the basement of the DVD rental store she worked at in Brunswick, Maine, with no intention of showing them the light of day. But thanks to the encouragement of her boss at the time, she found the courage to do a few local gigs. Having since spawned into several national and international tours, as well as the release of her first full length LP entitled Ripley Pine on Ba Da Bing Records, her “secret” has found a home in the hearts and minds of music fans everywhere.

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