Like A Weed? Best Coast’s Bethany Cosentino Grows Up
Best Coast’s Bethany Cosentino has gone through some noticeable changes since the duo’s 2010 debut, Crazy For You. Aside from her smaller appearance (the result of lots of exercise), her confidence has blossomed and she’s much more self-assured on stage. Whether that’s the result of the dissolution of her long-term relationship with Wavves’ Nathan Williams or simply getting older, on Best Coast’s third studio album, California Nights, it’s clear she’s a new woman. Album opener “Feeling Ok” and “Wasted Time” seem to touch on finding strength after a break-up and reflecting on what went wrong. While her lyrics are nowhere near complicated, it’s the simplicity of them that make them so relatable. Everyone’s experienced these feelings at one point yet she’s not afraid to talk about them. While the ‘50s/‘60s surf-pop influence is still heavily intact, the album shows more maturity than past efforts. It’s not all about bong hits and the love for her cat. As Best Coast prepares to kick off another national tour, Cosentino opens up about body image issues, her not-so-secret love for Hillary Duff and California Nights.