Video Premiere: Oliver Mueller – “I Wanna Play At The Moxi”

Oliver Mueller’s new single “I Wanna Play At the Moxi” is a love-letter to his favorite NoCo music venue, as performers and concert go-ers alike bemoan the absence of live music. Under his solo-project pseudonym oliverrr, Mueller brings the same dreamy alternative style he displays in his band Slow Caves, but combines it with punk flare and humor. Mueller’s lyrics reminisce about lugging gear up the Moxi’s daunting metal staircase and the welcoming atmosphere of the intimate club, including its charming owner.

“I Wanna Play At the Moxi” is Mueller’s contribution to the “Write a Love Song to Your Fave Venue” contest hosted by FoCoMA, and is an anthem for all indie Northern Colorado musicians aching to rock out on stage again.

The music video for “I Wanna Play At The Moxi” by oliverrr premieres exclusively via BandWagon Magazine today. Watch it below!