Cracker w/ the Deadwood Saints @ The Moxi Theatre, February 15th, 2015
by BandWagon Magazine
Comments 1
Hello, Thank you for taking an interest in our magazine. We appreciate your enthusiasm and we think you are a very talented photographer. We unfortunately don’t have any assignments for where you live and all our photographers are local and attended concerts in the area for photo shoots (we’re a music magazine). But we will keep you on file in case anything arises in your area. Thank you and have a nice day. -BandWagon Magazine
Thank you for taking an interest in our magazine. We appreciate your enthusiasm and we think you are a very talented photographer. We unfortunately don’t have any assignments for where you live and all our photographers are local and attended concerts in the area for photo shoots (we’re a music magazine). But we will keep you on file in case anything arises in your area. Thank you and have a nice day.
-BandWagon Magazine