The BandWagon is northern Colorado’s fastest-growing music and entertainment magazine. We distribute 15,000 print issues in Greeley, Loveland, Fort Collins, and the surrounding areas. Our focus is primarily the local music scene, but we also cover local business, art, and politics. Much of our content is written by a group of staff writers, but we welcome freelance pitches for both our print edition and our blog.

Send clear and concise pitches, along with a couple writing samples, to Unsolicited manuscripts will not be considered, with the exception of creative writing (see the Fiction guidelines.) Please address your email to the appropriate section editor (a staff list is available on our “About” page.)

Take a look through our back issues and current blog content before sending us a pitch. This is the best way to get a feel for the kinds of articles we publish and avoid submitting an idea we’ve already run.


We require freelance writers to supply their own art and photography.