888: No More ‘Critical Mistakes’

When Denver musician Danny Stills was surfing the internet one day, he stumbled across an 888, which is a tape made for a machine manufactured in the 1960s used to record the Beatles and other timeless acts. Stills brought the suggestion to Aaron Rothe and Danny Cooper, who also gravitated towards the idea of naming their electro-pop project, 888.

25 Things You Didn’t Want to Know About In the Whale

In The Whale is a band that needs little introduction around Colorado, especially as of late. Included among the recent accomplishments of duo Nate Valdez and Eric Riley are a number of huge shows, including a set at Red Rocks for the Film on the Rocks, the main stage at the Westword Music Showcase, playing SXSW, performing with Local H, Middle Class Rut, and winning the Westword Award in the Rock/Alternative category.