Slow Caves have a way – especially on the new single “Walk In The Park” of putting your heart smack-dab in the middle of the emotional peak of films like Say Anything (you know – that part where he’s holding up the boombox? Ugh! The feels!) With top production, austere turn of phrase and beautifully transparent melodic construction, the track sparkles with the slow motion lens-flare of memories you haven’t even made yet.
Masters of washy-guitar power balladry, “Walk In The Park” is Slow Caves at both their heaviest and most sincere. Finding power in simplicity and earnestness, the track is one for repeated spins and placement between Washed Out and Nada Surf’s “Blonde On Blonde” on that mix-tape you’re making for your crush. Destined to be a remedy after a break up on a summer night, or cinematic soundtrack for a wordless drive at sunset with your best friend, it captures the magic of one of music’s biggest inspirations: melancholy.


X-Factor is the most important thing in making a band stand out and The Beeves have it in threes. That’s a XXX joke, kids, and well, the three Beeves are as funny as they are rocking, so it’s staying in. Their single “Playing Bingo (with people who are angry and somewhat dangerous)” from their forthcoming full-length Beauty & The Beeves is a reminder of how painting with primary colors can be rad AF if you throw in some attitude and personality.
Riff-heavy with the pizzaz and swagger of the White Stripes, “Playing Bingo” highlights the proper rock yelps of vocalist Ian Ehrhart and the grooving instrumental playfulness of bassist/vocalist Margot Sease and drummer Will Ehrhart. The trio get away with flipping from their bread-and-butter guitar rock to country swing for a hot second, because they commit with the confidence of true naturals. And confidence like theirs is as fun to watch as your favorite flick.

The Beeves release “Playing Bingo” that day, Slow Caves release “Walk In The Park” July 10.