The End of New Music Tuesday, and What Comes Next



All across these United States, Tuesday represent beginnings and possibilities for the ravenous music geek. Whether snuggled close to a cup of joe, or on the commute to work, Tuesday mornings means scrolling over your favorite music blog or the new releases section on your music service of choice. If this sounds like your Tuesday mornings, than you probably noticed that the new releases section was uncharacteristically quiet last week. Here’s why:

Back in February, the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) announced that they would be enacting an international release day for all new music. That day is Friday, the first of which was January 10th. Up to this point, America released new music on Tuesdays, the UK on Monday, and Australia on Friday. While you may be wondering “What’s so bad about that?” the record industry has been feeling this for years. In an age where information moves as fast as you can click, if an album is released in one part of the world, it won’t take long to get to the rest of us. Beyond this, fans who choose not to pirate music must wait up to a week longer than fans in other countries for new content from their favorite artists.

Well we here at BandWagon Magazine are changing with the times. As the sun sets on New Music Tuesday, so to it will set on our weekly column, New Music Monday. But don’t worry. It’s not leaving so much as changing. Now, every Thursday, BandWagon Magazine will be bringing you Top Tunes Thursday, our new and improved weekly column about the best music that came out this week. TTT will also carry all the digital info you need to know about the band or artist being discussed that week. That means links to their social media outlets, as well as their SoundCloud or Bandcamp pages, and any videos we think you might like. It’ll be the same great weekly content, just with a new name.

As with all good things, New Music Monday has officially come to an end. I want to thank everyone for your continued readership, and I look forward to seeing you all this Thursday for the inaugural issue of Top Tunes Thursday.
