Q&A: Huff ‘n Keen @ FoCoMX

DSC_0322Huff n’ Keen played day one of FoCoMX at Washington’s Bar on the downstairs stage. Although the sound for the stage was below average, the artists still managed to put on a great show with their catchy beats and fine-tuned lyrics. After the set I was able to talk to Dustin and Patrick from the group about their music and future goals, as well as their views on the Colorado hip-Hop scene.


How long have you guys been playing together?


12 years.


What do you think about the hip-hop scene in Colorado? What are you excited for in the scene?


Dustin: It’s beautiful. Very, very beautiful. I love that more people are tuning into the lyrics; more people are really getting into the dexterity of the content. It’s starting to get away from the commercial and starting to go back to the truth of hip-hop, what are you actually saying.
Patrick: More lyricism, more underground.


What kind of category or sub-genre do you guys put yourself in?


Dustin: We are the founders of Soul-Hop. We’re in soul hop-hop.
Patrick: Soul-Hop Rising.
Dustin: Basically, you know, we both come from troubled lives, simple lives, and just have been struck by God. Not religion, because we don’t want to preach, but we try to put our faith in our music.


Where do you see yourselves in a year?


Dustin: Initial goal definitely is Red Rocks, I mean that’s been the goal for the last few years. Being able to do this as a full time job. I’d like to get this international. I’d like to get the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, where hip-hop just how we do is doing big things.


Do you have any upcoming tours or projects you’re currently working on?


Dustin: Right now we are working on our first album called Soul-Hop Rising. At the same time we are always collaborating, that’s why our label is called Deliberate Collaborations. We love collaborating with up-and-coming artists and also seasoned artists, so those kinds of projects. We just started, I know 12 years, but we’re just starting to get into getting some videos done, which has been a really cool thing.
Patrick: One of the next big events that we have is going to be June 22nd over at the Moxi [Theater in Greeley], so we’re excited for that, and we’re excited for the Moxi.


What’s your favorite memory as a group playing together?


Dustin: I was torn up before we went on at Whiskey River, and we were performing “Momma Don’t Dance” and my pants came all the way down in front of three or four hundred people.

The local hip-hop group was an excellent way to start out the night, and were very passionate about their music and the direction they are heading. There is no doubt that Greeley’s local hip-hop group Huff N’ Keen are making an impact.