Q&A: Rachel and the Kings @ FoCoMX

Rachel King - FoCoMx05On our way to see this band play, I decided I needed a break from listening to awesome music and drinking and stopped to get a drink at the Trail Head Tavern. Then AC/DC started playing and I downed the rest of my beer and got the hell out of there before my soul evaporated. Arriving at The Aggie, I was able to passive-aggressively push my way to the front row where Rachel and her kings were putting on a class act show. They looked like they were bigger than Kings of Leon and Florence and the Machine combined on that stage. You could see the passion on their faces and hear it in their songs. I think Rachel and I made eye contact once.


How did you like FoCoMX this year? Did you attend any previous years? How did it compare?


It was awesome! A few of the band members have attended in years past. This was seamless, everything was on time, the crowd was having a good time. Really fun.


What is something you’d like to see different about the event next year?


Not sure. Didn’t see any issues with it this year.

Rachel King - FoCoMx02


Your turnout on Saturday was really amazing, and I felt like the crowds reaction to you was really positive. What did you think about your show?


We had so much fun! It was great playing to some new people and seeing their reaction. We thought the whole vibe was a blast.


How would you describe your music to someone who has never heard you before?


It’s a mix between Florence and the Machine, Coldplay and Alanis Morrisette. Pop music with a rock band behind it.


How did the band come together? And what were your influences?


We came together to record an album that Rachel had written. The band decided we wanted to actually try to be a band after starting to record and loving what each person was contributing. So many influences. From Foo Fighters to Ray LaMontagne to Tom Petty. If it’s a good song, we like it!


Is there anything else going on with you guys, our readers might like to know about?


We are doing a lot of great charity events coming up and want to make sure people know about them so we can help some great causes. At the Fillmore for Denver Gives this Friday, Tellerpalooza May 11, and Rocky Mountain Cancer Association at Casselman’s on July 26th.

Photos by Steve Hostetler.