Carti Ferrari Set to Release New Album, You’ll Burn Your Eyes Out

The Sounds and Stories Behind The Work The last four years have produced a definite truth: change is the only constant. Some may say change is the easiest part of the journey, but moving on without looking back is where we falter. After four years of unwavering change, alternative artist Carti Ferrari is returning with […]

Single Premiere: Carti Ferrari – The Farthest

The term “in the box” has taken on more meaning over the past year, especially for musicians forced to do almost everything from only (and often for only) their computers. But that doesn’t mean artists like Carti Ferrari aren’t thinking outside of it.

On his new single “The Farthest,” Ferrari flexes a talent for wordplay, compressing all the feelings of a sad, romantic saga into a tight two and a half minutes of sharp rhymes.

“The Farthest” premieres exclusively today via BandWagon.