Devin Tremell gives us glimpses of his dual lives as the artist and as the worker in the “Lord Knows” video which premieres today, exclusively via BandWagon, below.
Originally scheduled for completion earlier in the year, “Lord Knows” took a back seat to recovery, after Tremell (an avid skateboarder) fractured his ankle. Now after ample healing and production time, Tremmel is back hitting the skate park just as “Lord Knows” hits the screen.
The video, filmed by Isaac Rizo with RZO VDO and help from Yavez Fuller with Vez Visuals, uses side-by-side shots of these two different life perspectives, showing us how Tremell dresses and interacts with others in each respective world. Wearing his brightly colored utility jacket and wandering the grounds of Denver International Airport (where he actually works as an aircraft fueller) removes any implications of glamour audiences might associate with an artist lifestyle. While Tremell interacts with strangers at DIA, you see a humble man hiding the fact that he is a part of a greater purpose; one outside of his daily grind.

The double narrative leaves one to believe that Tremmel is two different people, until both sides of him are shown driving around in his car together, rapping – the worker and the artist together – as both sides of himself travel their synchronized journey. And though friends, fans, and airport patrons only see snapshots, Tremell knows inside they are both just pieces of who he is. While he dreams of hitting highs like an airplane’s flight, only he and the Lord know the real, grounded story that brought Tremell to this moment.
Watch the video premiere for Devin Tremell’s “Lord Knows” exclusively via BandWagMag.com below.