On The Road Again: Four Months Of COVID-19 Madness & One Bike Accident Later, Kosha Dillz Is On A Mission

Going from doing at least 80 live shows a year (with everyone from Mos Def to Nappy Roots) to performing for a six-year-old’s backyard birthday party in Arvada, Colorado is just one of the many ways the coronavirus pandemic has impacted his typically flourishing career, but Kosha Dillz is a rare breed. With 16 years of sobriety under his belt (to the day) he must guard his recovery like he guards his life, something that’s even more challenging when you’re immersed in the music industry.

Single Premiere: Ruby Daze – “TLC”

Greeley-based duo Ruby Daze’s new single “TLC” premieres via BandWagMag.com today. It is an anthem to that lover or close friend you haven’t seen since COVID-19 hit. While the song could talk about any period of separation, lines like “I’m coming over even if it kills me” are particularly tongue-in-cheek in our current climate.

A Change is Gonna Come: Robert Randolph Spreads the Message of Unity

If you ask Robert Randolph what his 2006 hit “Ain’t Nothing Wrong with That” is about, his answer would be: “It’s about what’s going on today. I write songs to inspire and to love each other, because if you don’t have respect, you don’t have love.”

Randolph’s songwriting focuses on bringing people together, which is his mantra as an individual and an artist. He continues to uphold that mantra with every album he’s released since then. He believes those messages are more relevant now than ever.

Join Robert Randolph and his All Star Super Band at The High Plains Buffalo Jam on Saturday, July 25 in Cheyenne, Wyoming with Allman-Betts Band, Deitch & Shmeeans (Lettuce) Blackberry Smoke and The Burroughs.

Video Premiere: Oliver Mueller – “I Wanna Play At The Moxi”

The music video for Oliver Mueller’s new single “I Wanna Play At the Moxi” premieres via BandWagon today. Under his solo-project pseudonym oliverrr, the track is a love-letter to his favorite NoCo music venue, as performers and concert go-ers alike bemoan the absence of live music. Mueller brings the same dreamy alternative style he displays in his band Slow Caves, but combines it with punk flare and humor.

The Colorado Sound’s My5 – July 2020

The best Colorado bands, eye-opening music documentaries uncovering stuff you never knew about artists you know oh-so-well, music made by typewriters and maybe the best Beatles cover ever … Must be The Colorado Sound’s My5 for July!

Album Review: David Burchfield – State To State

Whether it’s your first time going on a hike since lockdown, or an anticipated camping trip, David Burchfield’s album “State to State” makes for a proper soundtrack to a mountain getaway. He combines elements of Americana, Country, and traditional Celtic to set the scene for a night around the campfire. Songs like the opening and title track show that this folk style is his fluent language.

EP Review: Polyakov – Hazy

Dream pop, as a genre, has a home in Northern Colorado, and in a way has come to represent the leisurely stroll through anxiety you get from living here. Capturing this is Polyakov’s four track debut EP ‘Hazy’ – a luscious and well textured delivery that lives up to the title. Killer vocal harmonies, guitar effects and layering techniques here are mesmerizing, making Polyakov another NoCo artist to watch.

Album Review: My Dog Ate Chad – Krakatoa

My Dog Ate Chad is exactly what it should be. A conglomeration of 5 flanneled friends from high school throwing their influences at the wall to see what sticks. They’re looking for their true identity on their full-length debut Krakatoa with wide eyes, open ears and loud-ass guitars.