The UNC Greeley Jazz Festival

The UNC Greeley Jazz Festival is shaking things up once again this April. The 46th annual will be held April 21st-23rd, 2016. This event, according to the UNC festival website, “brings together internationally recognized artists, jazz lovers, award-winning clinicians, and over 250 college, high school, and middle school big bands, combos, and jazz vocal groups from across the country.”
Album Review: Grace Kuch – Self-Titled Debut

While BandWagon covers any and all music thrown our way, we have never heard any work from a child artist up until now. So when Grace Kuch, a 12-year-old blues singer from Fort Collins, approached me during a Symbols concert last month with her debut album, I had to give it a go.
April 2016 – Luniz

IN THIS ISSUE: Luniz | The Bastard Suns | Masta Ace | Grace Kuch | Rabanes | Montoneros | UNC Jazz Festival | TV Girl