Modest Indeed – Getting Personal With Issac Brock

“I’m a shot in the dark mother fucker,” Isaac Brock says. “If I want to try something out, there’s a good chance that the person I want to get ahold of might not be busy and this may be interesting to them.”
ARISE Year Three: Setting an Example for the Future

As we move into a new era of Colorado festivals the focus has been shifting as the tastes of Colorado music fans has been shifting as well. While the formula of big names + camping + various visual gimmicks = ticket sales has more or less stayed the same from festival to festival, ARISE has tapped into something missing from the others; cleanliness.
Album Review: Forty Fathoms— More To Hate

Writing and recording a pinnacle metal album is not simple. The process often takes the cooperative effort of three to five smelly dudes who spend every waking moment together arguing over who drank the last beer and why musicians shouldn’t attach their ego to the parts they contribute. After they’re nice and pissed off, the riffs and melodies begin to flow. Denver metal band Forty Fathoms are a relentless metal collaboration who’s EP, More to Hate, designates Colorado a place at the forefront of influential rock music.